Friday, March 20, 2009

A time to grow

I am feeling every bit of spring this year. My chronic illness always unwinds a bit as it warms up, the barometric pressure changes, and the sun is shining more. Life is blooming inside and outside of us all.

I couldn't wait to dig into the garden. Last year was the first time I gardened seriously and successfully. We worked for a couple of weeks to remove the sod, turn the soil and add our compost. (we compost with a traditional outside pile as well as a worm bin that spent the winter in the basement). We placed stepping stones amongst the plants so we would not have to step on the soil and compress it.

So as I sat on the walkway and dug what I could reach easily with a hand hoe the soil turned so easily that I felt victorious about my efforts last year. I have not yet dug into the side of the compost bin to see what has become compost over the winter, but the leaves and plant remains we left on the garden area seems to have composted a bit on its own.

So, I planted a small area (probably 3 feet by 5 feet?) with some of the seeds that do well in chilly ground and very early spring conditions. I have never planted anything before Mother's day, and was shocked to find out that I could do so! It was visiting with a person from a local group called home grown food that clued me in to this miraculous truth! In fact, we should be nibbling a few things from our garden at the point I typically would be begging the kids to help me dig and plant.

So currently in the garden is spinach, pok choy, chard, carrots and a lettuce mixture. I can't wait to see sprouts peeking through the garden, though we had to shoo our cat out of there because the freshly turned soil must look like an inviting litter box. Hopefully some of my seeds will have a chance.

I was just reading this morning that the Obama family has decided to plant a garden on the south lawn of the White House! I find this to be really exciting, as they have a chance to inspire others to get their fingers dirty, to enjoy the treasure fresh food is, and to deomstrate the idea of keeping your food local.

So what are you growing this year?


  1. Hydroponic tomatoes and lettuce, five basil plants, and a few other assorted herbs. We don't have any yard space that gets any sun of note (we live on a postage stamp), so everything pretty much has to be done on the deck, or in the front yard in planters.

  2. I'm so excited! I found a patio garden growing system. It can grow up to 8 hanging tomato vines and in the top can grow small veggies like beans, peas, cucumbers etc. I'm going to get it next week, because neither Jeff or I are handy at building stuff...and well, it's already made. LOL I can't wait to start growing my own veggies! Coming soon to a table near you: yummy salads!!


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